“How the f*ck do you write so fast?”

Before I get into the point of this post, I just want to say that Last Summer will be available for download and online reading later tonight. I was going to wait until Sunday, but apparently that day has been designated as Game of Thrones Day in my house, whereupon the entire day will be filled with binge-watching the season in preparation for the season finale. And oh man… just… never mind. I don’t want to start geeking out about it here. Except to say that it’s going to be sooooo gooood.

Speaking of Game of Thrones, I wanted to share this video of GRRM asking Stephen King, point blank, “How the fuck do you write so many books so fast?” As someone who is casually making her way through the ASoIaF books as opposed to being a super hardcore book fan, I’ve been very intrigued by the whole situation with the show catching up to and now surpassing the books. I can’t imagine how GRRM is dealing with a massive fanbase that is screaming at him to hurry the hell up and finish the next book, especially when trying to write a story that is so incredibly complex, even more so than the show.  Continue reading ““How the f*ck do you write so fast?””