Publishing Update & a New Love

I just got my story back from the formatter (check them out if you ever need anything formatted for Smashwords and you’re as untalented as I am when it comes to that sort of thing). I’ll be publishing it this weekend.

Also, is it possible to have a fandom soulmate? Because I’ve recently discovered The Untamed and I’m pretty sure I want to marry it. If I do, you’re all invited.

“How the f*ck do you write so fast?”

Before I get into the point of this post, I just want to say that Last Summer will be available for download and online reading later tonight. I was going to wait until Sunday, but apparently that day has been designated as Game of Thrones Day in my house, whereupon the entire day will be filled with binge-watching the season in preparation for the season finale. And oh man… just… never mind. I don’t want to start geeking out about it here. Except to say that it’s going to be sooooo gooood.

Speaking of Game of Thrones, I wanted to share this video of GRRM asking Stephen King, point blank, “How the fuck do you write so many books so fast?” As someone who is casually making her way through the ASoIaF books as opposed to being a super hardcore book fan, I’ve been very intrigued by the whole situation with the show catching up to and now surpassing the books. I can’t imagine how GRRM is dealing with a massive fanbase that is screaming at him to hurry the hell up and finish the next book, especially when trying to write a story that is so incredibly complex, even more so than the show.  Continue reading ““How the f*ck do you write so fast?””

Excellent news!!!

And no, it’s not that awesome thing that happened on The Walking Dead tonight although I haven’t been able to stop smiling about it for the past three hours. 😀

The OTHER reason I’m smiling is because the Family Matters cover is done! Well, it still needs to be lettered, but the image itself is finished, and I’m super happy with how it turned out. My most heartfelt thanks to G. Raven for doing such a fantastic job. ❤ I can now announce that the book will be published on February 29, presuming there are no snags or zombie apocalypses to postpone things even further. Look for more info on that later this week.


And another update

No TBT post this week seeing as how it’s Friday, but I do want to announce that Family Matters is properly formatted and ready for Smashwords! Right now, I’m just waiting on the cover art. Once I’ve got that, everything will be in order and the book will officially be published. Finally. (And yes, it will still be free.)

I also want to let you all know that the tentative release date for Book 2 is June 19. I purposely chose Father’s Day because it just seems fitting for the story, plus I originally wanted to do it for Family Matters (I suppose I still could if I wanted to wait that long to publish it, but nah). Between then and now, I will be knocking one of the non-vampire short stories I mentioned a while back off my to-do list. Which one? You’ll see. 😀

That’s all for now. I’m off to continue my The Walking Dead marathon in anticipation of the mid-season premiere this Sunday. Because zombies. ❤


That one time when Star Wars almost ruined my relationship

Okay, not really. But about four years into my relationship with my not-yet-husband, I remember that he was horrified by the fact that I had somehow managed to make it to my twenties without ever having seen a Star Wars film and pretty much demanded that I accompany him to the Special Edition viewings. This was worded in a way that did lead me to briefly speculate that he might question his decision to continue a relationship with someone who had absolutely no knowledge of the Force. 😀 So I did, thinking that I would be bored as hell. But I wasn’t. Like most things I take a liking to, I basically inhaled everything about the trilogy, and the books, and the whatever else. And here we are, twenty-something years later, and still together. Thanks, Star Wars. Continue reading “That one time when Star Wars almost ruined my relationship”