TBT 2007: Project N.E.O.N.

Way back when, my old comic book partner and I were discussing the possibility of doing a story about a group of young adults with a variety of abilities ranging from superhuman strength to hydrokinesis and so on. I was a little skeptical because X-men had pretty much cornered the market on that kind of thing and it was hard not to look at other stories that were out at the time without comparing them (with the exception of Rising Stars by J. Michael Straczynski, which remains one of my favorite comics ever). But B was pretty gung-ho about it so I told him I would give it a try. The end result was a story that centered around a young man named Kyle who was struggling to come to terms with both his sexual orientation and his freakish strength, and as the story begins, he’s starting to have a hell of a time keeping both of those things concealed. He has an older brother, Eric, who possesses the same strength, and is also a raging douchebag as well.

Here’s a bit from the intro: Continue reading “TBT 2007: Project N.E.O.N.”

TBT 2012: Benny and Kaz, a Silly and Pointless Tale of Murder and Love

They’re brutal. They’re violent. And they’re totally gay for each other. Pfft! 😀

One of the fun things about going through my old stuff to find something to post for TBT is coming across projects that have completely slipped my mind. (Conversely, one of the not-at-all fun things is remembering that I can’t draw for shit so most of these projects will probably never see life outside of a Word document unless stick figure art ever takes off.) I can’t believe I forgot about Benny and Kaz. Shame on me.

It all started when I was chatting with the old partner about a comic strip that I enjoyed. I began wondering if I could pull off writing one. At first, I wasn’t sure because it was one thing to have an entire chapter to work with, but a totally different thing to get to the point in only six or seven panels. But I decided to give it a shot and that’s how Benny and Kaz was born.

Basically, it’s about a couple of assassins who have lots of sex with each other when they’re not killing people. Hardly award-caliber stuff, but I had a blast with it.

Here’s some character info and the scripts for the first two strips: Continue reading “TBT 2012: Benny and Kaz, a Silly and Pointless Tale of Murder and Love”

TBT 2007: Suspect

My second-to-last manga partner was an insanely talented girl, the only female partner I’ve ever had, as a matter of fact. (We even joked about calling ourselves CRAMP; if you’re a manga fan, you’ll understand why that’s funny.) One of the things I enjoyed most about working with her was that she challenged me to step outside of my box and write stories I never thought I would have an interest in writing. As someone who has a preference for darker stories, I didn’t think I had it in me to write something that didn’t involve the supernatural or at least one violent act. But because Nan was all about sweet and fluffy slice-of-life type stories, I agreed to write something that was more up her alley than my usual stuff. And that’s how Suspect was born. Well, that and a sadly short-lived BL magazine that went under before the series was able to be published in its entirety. In a nutshell, the story is about a college guy who is trying to determine the identity of the secret admirer who keeps leaving him roses and eye-gougingly sappy poetry and messages. While that’s going on, he’s also finding himself reluctantly attracted to the jock he’s been asked to tutor.

Not gonna lie—I threw up in my mouth back when I first started writing this, lol. But by the time the story came to an end, I was very happy with what we had created.

Below are some pre-lettered submission pages we did for BL Twist. Some of you who follow me on LiveJournal may remember seeing the final product years ago. They’re buried somewhere in my non-Emma Photobucket account now; one of these days I’ll dig them up and post them here.
Continue reading “TBT 2007: Suspect”