New M/M Story, Opening Scene

And not a vampire in sight.

Available (tentatively) on Labor Day Weekend at Smashwords and associated retailers.

Continue reading “New M/M Story, Opening Scene”

Papas got a brand new bed

In honor of Father’s Day and two vampire dads I happen to adore, I wanted to share a bit of a bonus story I wrote a while ago that I never got around to posting here because I’m old and forgetful. (A few of you may remember this from my previous blog.) Continue reading “Papas got a brand new bed”

The Rising Son Excerpt

In my ongoing efforts to remain a starving artist, I’ve decided that The Rising Son will be free. 😀 Actually, I think I was leaning in that direction for a while, but now that it’s finished, it’s official. The story is being edited right now and the cover art is being done (thanks, G! ❤ ) so now I’ve got some free time to do other things that may or may not include more Diablo 3. I’ll also be wrapping up Last Summer over the next couple of weeks.

I wanted to share a little bit of the story for anyone interested. Timeline-wise, The Rising Son takes place a month after the end of Family Matters and a week after A Halloween Interlude. This was taken from the opening scene. Xan and Michael are in the shower being naked and nerdy because that’s what they do, and they’re adorable doing it: Continue reading “The Rising Son Excerpt”

An update and a freebie

Hi guys! The cover for A Halloween Interlude should be finished sometime this weekend. Once I get the finished product, the story will be published right away on Smashwords. Thanks again to the awesome G. Raven for doing another cover for me (and hopefully more covers down the road if I make with the puppy dog eyes).

Speaking of awesome people doing awesome things for me, I also want to give a shout-out to Jenny Cotton for this:

Bookmark 50 percent

This is the result of one of the original ideas I had for the Family Matters cover, before I opted to go with something simpler. So instead I decided to turn this idea into a bookmark advertising the Harborview Immortals series. I just placed my order and should receive them by the end of the month. If you want one, shoot me an email ( or private message through FB or Twitter and I’ll be more than happy to send you one or two or whatever, wherever you are and at no cost to you. (FYI, I won’t be able to mail anything until after April 8 because I will be in Florida for two weeks. By the way, I’m going to Florida for two weeks.)

That’s all for now because Diablo 3 is calling and I must answer. Have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night!


Upcoming short story!

Hello! This post is to announce a brand new, soon-to-be-published short story in the Harborview Immortals series titled Family Matters: A Halloween Interlude. It takes places about three weeks after the final events of Family Matters on Halloween night. While it isn’t required reading for the series (it was basically an excuse to write something smutty), I hope that those of you who do decide to purchase it will enjoy reading it. And bonus points if you spot the references to other stories that were thrown in there.

Here’s an excerpt from the beginning (spoilers, obviously, for Family Matters): Continue reading “Upcoming short story!”

Small Packages Cover and Excerpt

Hello! I wanted to share a sneak preview of Small Packages for anyone interested in checking it out.

Here’s the cover:

Small Packages Cover


And here’s a quick, sexless excerpt:

      All of the neighbors’ houses were festively decorated with numerous strings of bright, blinking lights that cut through the darkness with alternating flashes of red and green. Some of the houses displayed Nativity scenes while others had Santa and his reindeer. The Taylors, who lived two houses down on the other side of the street, had both. It was a combination that amused Jacob to no end—even more so because of the zombie garden gnomes that were acting as stand-ins for two reindeer and one of the Wise Men.
      “We should decorate the outside of the house one of these years.” He turned his head slightly to the right to acknowledge the vampire who had joined him at the window. “Maybe the neighbors would like us then.”
      “Do you really care if they like us or not?” Dominic asked.
      “No, but it would be nice if they didn’t stare at our house like it was a part of some circus freak show.”
      Dominic leaned forward to peer through the glass, his chin resting on Jacob’s shoulder. “We are a gay, interracial couple living in a conservative neighborhood, Jacob. Holiday decorations aren’t going to make much of a difference to most of these people. I can only imagine how they would react if they knew that we were vampires.” After a moment, he added, “Are those zombies?”
      “Yeah,” Jacob replied with a grin. “At least we’re not the only weirdos on the street.”


Small Packages will be available for download and online on 12/20.

Coming up in 2016

(Heh, coming—did I ever claim to be mature?)

Anyway, lest anyone think that I’m only capable of writing about vampires, I wanted to share some of the things on my plate for 2016:

  • Um, well, there’s Book 2 of the Harborview Immortals series. And yeah, that’ll have vampires in it, but moving on…
  • A story featuring a different kind of Harborview immortal. The angelic kind. (This will be based on an angel-verse I created years ago. More on that later.)
  • A story about two lifelong friends who end up on opposite sides of the law but manage to put aside their differences for one very special night.
  • A story about two members of a gang, ahem, I mean organization who explore what it really means to be “brothers.”

There are a few more  (shorter) things I’m contemplating right now, but the ones I listed are pretty much set in stone. It’s going to be a busy year.



Family Matters, Chapter 1

Due to an unexpected formatting snag, I don’t have a firm ETA for the book’s release. It all depends on whether or not the snag can be corrected with minimal loss of sanity. Fingers crossed. In the meantime, I wanted to go ahead and share the final version of Chapter 1 for anyone interested in reading it. In addition to this, I will be re-posting An Unexpected Addition, a prequel novelette I originally wrote for Father’s Day back in June.

Once I know where I stand with the Smashwords prep, I will announce it here. In the meantime, enjoy!


About Family Matters:

Jacob and Dominic are the parents of a young man named Xan. And really, they’re just like any other parents… except they happen to be vampires.

Despite their present-day prominence, the couple has had to endure numerous challenges over the centuries, from plagues to wars to slavery—Jacob even has the scars to prove it. But their biggest challenge of all is giving Xan room to grow while protecting him from the dangers of the vampire world, dangers that are further heightened when Dominic’s estranged maker comes to town and expresses an interest in meeting his “grandson.”

As for the geeky and free-spirited Xan, he only has one thing on his mind: getting laid. But when he meets a vampire fledgling named Michael, he soon learns that there is more to life, even a human one, than screwing every guy he meets.

Family Matters is the first book in the Harborview Immortals series by Emma Peterson. Continue reading “Family Matters, Chapter 1”